Maybe you have that one manager that all the other female employees warned you about, the one who makes off-color remarks or touches you when you're not comfortable with it. Perhaps you've learned that your male co-workers are receiving higher wages than you are for the same job. Maybe you've been denied advancement in favor of a less qualified male co-worker.
These and many other forms of gender discrimination are far too common in workplaces across Florida. You may feel like there's nothing you can do to push back against this mistreatment, but you're wrong.
Working with an experienced workplace law and discrimination attorney can help you hold your employer accountable. You could receive compensation for unfair wage discrepancies or lost chances at advancements. More importantly, if you hold your employer legally accountable for the gender discrimination you've faced at work, you help to ensure that future female employees won't face the same mistreatment. An employer is more likely to engage in active self-policing if the company has suffered a substantial financial penalty. The bottom line is often the best motivator for businesses.
Gender discrimination is against the law
Employers who treat staff differently based on their gender, including discrepancies in wages, lack of advancement or pay raise opportunities or failing to address sexual harassment, are breaking the law under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sometimes, employers can subtly engage in discrimination, by refusing to hire as many women as men or relegating women to lower positions within the company.
Other times, the discrimination is more overt. Female employees may end up getting reprimanded for reporting harassment. Women workers also face serious pay gaps some places.
Companies only act this way because they think they can get away with it. Working with an experienced workplace law and discrimination attorney is the best way to address the issue if your employer won't. An attorney can help you document the discrimination and can then file a civil suit on your behalf to help you recover the losses you've sustained, such as lower wages or lost opportunities.
Fight back against discrimination
In some cases, your attorney can try to advocate on your behalf with your employer before going to court. The right attorney may be able to convince your employer to end the discriminatory policies currently in place. While this may not always be the best strategy, it can sometimes work. Most employers want to avoid a public lawsuit and the negative press that comes with it. What works best will vary, depending on your circumstances. Once you know you're dealing with gender discrimination, your best option is to seek the advice of an experienced Florida workplace attorney as soon as possible.